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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
June 23, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman Kaley, Wilson and Wright
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Land Use Agency, Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 5:55 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m.

Items added to the Agenda:  Mr. Sibley asked to add the possible approval of an Eagle Scout project (Rails to Trails Project).  Commissioner Hovious added a discussion on Mile-a-Minute as per Commissioner Cramer's memo.  

I.      Public Participation:  Matt Bodwell, Eagle Scout from Troop #270 Dodgingtown, was in attendance to present information and ask approval from the Commission for an Eagle Scout Project.  The project is to continue a trail from Monroe into Newtown (Rails to Trails).  This initial project is to clear 600 foot, 12 feet wide trail.  The ultimate goal is to get the trail completed to end up at Fairfield Hills.  Mr. Sibley asked if the Troop has approved this project.  Mr. Bodwell answered yes, but it still has to be approved by the Scout Council.  Mr. Sibley noted that the Commission needs a written description of the project and a copy of what is submitted to the Scout Council.  Mr. Sibley noted that the Town owns approximately 1,800 feet of old rail bed from the Monroe Border (50 foot wide).  The area is surrounded by State forest.  Mr. Bodwell said that the trail will be covered with either gravel or small pebbles and that a sign will be put up noting that Troop #270 made the trail.  Commissioner Wright asked if there was water along the trail.  Mr. Bodwell stated that there is only water off away on the sides of the rail bed.  The Commission asked that the sign be coordinated with them.  Commissioner Kaley asked if the trail would be available for bikes.  Mr. Bodwell stated yes.  Commissioner Barkman motioned to accept Matt Bodwell's proposal to tentatively begin the trail project, pending the approval of the sign.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.  Mr. Bodwell will keep Mr. Sibley updated on this.

        Anne Peters, Chair of Inland Wetlands Commission was also in attendance.

II.     Approval of Minutes - Item tabled.

III.    Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate - Item tabled.

2.      Natural Resources Inventory Update

Mr. Sibley stated that Bill Root is ready to set up the Bio Blitz.  He will coordinate setting up a date for this.  Mr. Root wants to meet with Mr. Sibley and Mr. Sharlow (GIS) to download the GIS layers.

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

Open Space at Commerce Road Update – Commissioner Hovious discussed responses from Bob Rau, Dan Holmes, and Fred Hurley on the memo sent regarding the solar studies at the Tech Park.  Fred Hurley is interested in seeing whether the solar panels could help with the cost of running the wastewater treatment plant. Dan Holmes agrees with the concerns over protecting Deep Brook.

Open Space Signage – Commissioner Wilson will follow up with Voss.  The commission discussed different types of signs, taking into consideration possible vandalism.  Commissioner Wright stated that she spoke with several sign makers in the Town, who needed specific information on the signs.  She downloaded information from Voss.  She stated that the large metal signs were about $28, but that there are different grades of plastic and metal.  The subcommittee will meet to discuss specifics and come back to the Commission on recommendations.

Ferris Public Access – Item tabled.

4.      Strategic Planning Committee Report - Item tabled.
5.      Acquisition Strategies Report

Tax Deferral for Conservation Easements:  The subcommittee is waiting for invitation to the Board of Finance.  They will also go in front of the Board of Selectmen and Legislative Council.
Possible Bee Article:  The letter to the editor was in The Bee.

6.      Public Education Committee Report

Conservation Commission Website - Commissioner Barkman discussed a website for Al's Trail and asked the Commission to approve having Scott Coleman and Alan Page work on the website, which would be linked to the Town's website.  The Lion's Club donated $3,000 specifically for Al's Trail.  The website will cost $2,800.00.  Mr. Sibley stated that it needs to be confirmed whether Al's Trail is the responsibility of the Town.  Commissioner Barkman said that

7.      Great Bog Update – Commissioner Hovious stated that the property owner has the next step to take and will need to get an Inland Wetlands permit.  

8.      Sherman Road Subdivision Discussion and Preparation for IWC Meeting -  

9.      Al's Trail Status Update - The history of Al's Trail was discussed. Commissioner Barkman noted that the State portion was transferred to the Town.  Insurance Liability and permissions were discussed.  There is a question on whether it is Town owned.  Mr. Sibley discussed gathering permission from all the property owners that Al's Trail goes over.  He has asked the GIS team to GPS the entire trail.  There will then be a 25 foot buffer will pass through all the property owners along the trail.  Mr. Sibley will confirm what properties the trail goes over and whether or not the Town has permission on those properties.  Commissioners Wilson and Kaley will assist Commissioner Barkman on the subcommittee.  Commissioner Kaley discussed having the Conservation Commission oversee all items associated with Al's Trail.

IV.     New Business

Discussion of the NFA on Conservation Easements and Property Inspections - Guy Peterson was present to share his experience and offer information.  He explained the NFA's documentation on properties, including a checklist, photographic updates and monitoring of the properties.  

Cold Spring Road Dredging Application

IWC Request to Participate in Low Impact Development Regulatory Changes

Cramer E-Mail Regarding Mile-A-Minute